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Home » Dog Breeds That Like Rain: Puddle Lovers

Dog Breeds That Like Rain: Puddle Lovers

Have you ever wondered if there are dog breeds that actually enjoy the rain? Believe it or not, some pups absolutely love a good downpour! These dog breeds that like rain are often seen happily splashing through puddles and frolicking in wet weather. Whether you live in a rainy climate or just want a companion who doesn’t mind getting their paws wet, these breeds could be your perfect match. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 10 dog breeds that thrive in the rain, sharing their unique characteristics and why they enjoy the wetter side of life.

10 Dog Breeds That Like Rain – Splashy Companions

Meanwhile, get ready to meet some true puddle lovers who bring a splash of fun to any rainy-day adventure!

1. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever playing in rain

Labrador Retrievers have a natural love of water. Breeders originally bred them to help fishermen retrieve nets and catch fish. Their thick, water-resistant double coat keeps them warm and dry, even in the rain. Labs are playful and energetic, enjoying outdoor activities no matter the weather. Whether it’s a game of fetch or a walk in the rain, Labradors are always up for some wet and wild fun. Their friendly and adventurous nature makes them great companions for those who enjoy rainy-day adventures.

2. Newfoundland

Newfoundland dog playing in rain

Newfoundlands are gentle giants with a natural love for water. Bred as working dogs for fishermen, they have a thick, waterproof coat and webbed feet, making them excellent swimmers. Additionally, these dogs are strong and capable, and often used for water rescues. Rainy days are no problem for Newfoundlands; they enjoy playing in the water and don’t mind getting wet. Their calm and friendly demeanor, combined with their love of water, makes them perfect for families who enjoy outdoor activities in all weather conditions.

3. Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dog playing in rain

Portuguese Water Dogs were originally used by fishermen to herd fish into nets and retrieve lost gear. Their curly, water-resistant coat protects them from cold water and rain. These dogs are energetic and intelligent, enjoying both mental and physical challenges. Rainy days are just another opportunity for adventure for Portuguese Water Dogs. They love swimming and playing in the rain, making them great companions for those who enjoy active lifestyles. Their loyal and affectionate nature adds to their appeal as rainy-day partners.

4. Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever playing in rain

Golden Retrievers are another breed that loves water. Their dense, water-repellent coat helps them stay warm and dry in the rain. Bred as hunting dogs to retrieve waterfowl, they have a natural affinity for water and enjoy splashing around. Golden Retrievers are friendly, playful, and full of energy, making them great companions for rainy-day activities. Whether it’s a swim, a game of fetch, or a simple walk in the rain, Golden Retrievers are always eager to join in the fun.

5. Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Water Spaniel playing in rain

Irish Water Spaniels are known for their curly, water-resistant coat and love for water. Originally bred for hunting and retrieving game from water, they are excellent swimmers. Their playful and energetic nature makes them enjoy any activity involving water, including rainy day adventures. Irish Water Spaniels are intelligent and eager to please, making it easy for them to train for various water-related activities. Their enthusiasm for water and rain makes them ideal companions for those who love spending time outdoors, regardless of the weather.

6. Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Chesapeake Bay Retriever playing in rain

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, often called “Chessies,” are bred for waterfowl hunting in the rough waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Their dense, oily coat is highly water-resistant, keeping them dry and warm in the rain. Chessies are strong, energetic, and love to swim, making rainy days perfect for outdoor fun. They are known for their determination and endurance, which comes in handy during long, wet hunting trips. This breed thrives on water-based activities and enjoys any chance to play in the rain.

7. American Water Spaniel

American Water Spaniel playing in rain

The American Water Spaniel was bred in the Midwest for hunting and retrieving in water. Moreover, their curly, water-resistant coat helps them stay dry and warm, even in the rain. These dogs are energetic, intelligent, and love to swim, making them ideal companions for rainy-day adventures. American Water Spaniels enjoy games of fetch and other water-based activities. Their friendly and eager-to-please nature makes them great for families who enjoy spending time outdoors in all types of weather.

8. Flat-Coated Retriever

Flat-Coated Retriever playing in rain

Flat-Coated Retrievers have a sleek, water-resistant coat that helps them thrive in wet conditions. Bred as hunting and retrieving dogs, they love water and are excellent swimmers. Flat-Coats are known for their joyful and outgoing personality, always ready for fun and games, no matter the weather. Rainy days are just another opportunity for them to splash around and have fun. Their friendly and enthusiastic nature makes them great companions for active families who don’t mind a little rain.

9. Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier playing in rain

Jack Russell Terriers are small but mighty when it comes to their love for adventure. These energetic and fearless dogs don’t mind getting wet and often enjoy playing in the rain. Their short coat dries quickly, making rainy-day activities more comfortable. Jack Russells are intelligent and love to dig, chase, and explore, making them great companions for those who enjoy outdoor activities, regardless of the weather. Their lively nature ensures there’s never a dull moment, even on rainy days.

10. Sussex Spaniel

Sussex Spaniel playing in rain

Sussex Spaniels have a dense, water-resistant coat that keeps them warm and dry in wet weather. Bred for hunting in the rainy English countryside, they have a natural affinity for water and enjoy playing in the rain. Sussex Spaniels are calm, friendly, and love outdoor activities. Their steady and patient nature makes them great companions for families who enjoy leisurely walks and outdoor adventures, even when it’s raining. Their love for water and rain makes them a perfect fit for those who appreciate a loyal and wet-weather-friendly dog.


Dog breeds that like rain bring a unique blend of joy and adventure to rainy days. From the playful Labrador Retriever to the resilient Newfoundland, these breeds thrive in wet conditions and are always up for splashing around. Whether you’re looking for a companion for water activities or simply want a dog that doesn’t mind a bit of rain, these puddle-loving pups are perfect for the job. Embracing the rain with these dogs not only ensures fun and exercise but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend. So, grab a raincoat and enjoy the wet weather with these delightful breeds!

The Story Continues!

Best Rainy Day Activities for Dog Breeds That Like the Rain

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